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  The seventh data release of the sloan digital sky survey

Abazajian, K. N., Adelman-McCarthy, J. K., Agüeros, M. A., Allam, S. S., Allende Prieto, C., An, D., et al. (2009). The seventh data release of the sloan digital sky survey. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 182(2), 543-558. doi:10.1088/0067-0049/182/2/543.

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Abazajian, Kevork N., Author
Adelman-McCarthy, Jennifer K., Author
Agüeros, Marcel A., Author
Allam, Sahar S., Author
Allende Prieto, Carlos, Author
An, Deokkeun, Author
Anderson, Kurt S. J., Author
Anderson, Scott F., Author
Annis, James, Author
Bahcall, Neta A., Author
Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Author
Barentine, J. C., Author
Bassett, Bruce A., Author
Becker, Andrew C., Author
Beers, Timothy C., Author
Bell, Eric F., Author
Belokurov, Vasily, Author
Berlind, Andreas A., Author
Berman, Eileen F., Author
Bernardi, Mariangela, Author
Bickerton, Steven J., AuthorBizyaev, Dmitry, AuthorBlakeslee, John P., AuthorBlanton, Michael R., AuthorBochanski, John J., AuthorBoroski, William N., AuthorBrewington, Howard J., AuthorBrinchmann, Jarle, AuthorBrinkmann, J., AuthorBrunner, Robert J., AuthorBudavari, Tamas, AuthorCarey, Larry N., AuthorCarliles, Samuel, AuthorCarr, Michael A., AuthorCastander, Francisco J., AuthorCinabro, David, AuthorConnolly, A. J., AuthorCsabai, Istvan, AuthorCunha, Carlos E., AuthorCzarapata, Paul C., AuthorDavenport, James R. A., Authorde Haas, Ernst, AuthorDilday, Ben, AuthorDoi, Mamoru, AuthorEisenstein, Daniel J., AuthorEvans, Michael L., AuthorEvans, N. W., AuthorFan, Xiaohui, AuthorFriedman, Scott D., AuthorFrieman, Joshua A., AuthorFukugita, Masataka, AuthorGänsicke, Boris T., AuthorGates, Evalyn, AuthorGillespie, Bruce, AuthorGilmore, G., AuthorGonzalez, Belinda, AuthorGonzalez, Carlos F., AuthorGrebel, Eva K., AuthorGunn, James E., AuthorGyöry, Zsuzsanna, AuthorHall, Patrick B., AuthorHarding, Paul, AuthorHarris, Frederick H., AuthorHarvanek, Michael, AuthorHawley, Suzanne L., AuthorHayes, Jeffrey J. E., AuthorHeckman, Timothy M., AuthorHendry, John S., AuthorHennessy, Gregory S., AuthorHindsley, Robert B., AuthorHoblitt, J., AuthorHogan, Craig J., AuthorHogg, David W., AuthorHoltzman, Jon A., AuthorHyde, Joseph B., AuthorIchikawa, Shin-ichi, AuthorIchikawa, Takashi, AuthorIm, Myungshin, AuthorIvezic, Zeljko, AuthorJester, Sebastian, AuthorJiang, Linhua, AuthorJohnson, Jennifer A., AuthorJorgensen, Anders M., AuthorJuric, Mario, AuthorKent, Stephen M., AuthorKessler, R., AuthorKleinman, S. J., AuthorKnapp, G. R., AuthorKonishi, Kohki, AuthorKron, Richard G., AuthorKrzesinski, Jurek, AuthorKuropatkin, Nikolay, AuthorLampeitl, Hubert, AuthorLebedeva, Svetlana, AuthorLee, Myung Gyoon, AuthorLee, Young Sun, AuthorLeger, R. French, AuthorLépine, Sébastien, AuthorLi, Nolan, AuthorLima, Marcos, AuthorLin, Huan, AuthorLong, Daniel C., AuthorLoomis, Craig P., AuthorLoveday, Jon, AuthorLupton, Robert H., AuthorMagnier, Eugene, AuthorMalanushenko, Olena, AuthorMalanushenko, Viktor, AuthorMandelbaum, Rachel, AuthorMargon, Bruce, AuthorMarriner, John P., AuthorMartinez-Delgado, David, AuthorMatsubara, Takahiko, AuthorMcGehee, Peregrine M., AuthorMcKay, Timothy A., AuthorMeiksin, Avery, AuthorMorrison, Heather L., AuthorMullally, Fergal, AuthorMunn, Jeffrey A., AuthorMurphy, Tara, AuthorNash, Thomas, AuthorNebot, Ada, AuthorNeilsen, Eric H., AuthorNewberg, Heidi Jo, AuthorNewman, Peter R., AuthorNichol, Robert C., AuthorNicinski, Tom, AuthorNieto-Santisteban, Maria, AuthorNitta, Atsuko, AuthorOkamura, Sadanori, AuthorOravetz, Daniel J., AuthorOstriker, Jeremiah P., AuthorOwen, Russell, AuthorPadmanabhan, Nikhil, AuthorPan, Kaike, AuthorPark, Changbom, AuthorPauls, George, AuthorPeoples, John, AuthorPercival, Will J., AuthorPier, Jeffrey R., AuthorPope, Adrian C., AuthorPourbaix, Dimitri, AuthorPrice, Paul A., AuthorPurger, Norbert, AuthorQuinn, Thomas, AuthorRaddick, M. Jordan, AuthorRe Fiorentin, Paola, AuthorRichards, Gordon T., AuthorRichmond, Michael W., AuthorRiess, Adam G., AuthorRix, Hans-Walter, AuthorRockosi, Constance M., AuthorSako, Masao, AuthorSchlegel, David J., AuthorSchneider, Donald P., AuthorScholz, Ralf-Dieter, AuthorSchreiber, Matthias R., AuthorSchwope, Axel D., AuthorSeljak, Uros, AuthorSesar, Branimir, AuthorSheldon, Erin, AuthorShimasaku, Kazu, AuthorSibley, Valena C., AuthorSimmons, A. E., AuthorSivarani, Thirupathi, AuthorSmith, J. Allyn, AuthorSmith, Martin C., AuthorSmolcic, Vernesa, AuthorSnedden, Stephanie A., AuthorStebbins, Albert, AuthorSteinmetz, Matthias, AuthorStoughton, Chris, AuthorStrauss, Michael A., AuthorSubbaRao, Mark, AuthorSuto, Yasushi, AuthorSzalay, Alexander S., AuthorSzapudi, Istvan, AuthorSzkody, Paula, AuthorTanaka, Masayuki, AuthorTegmark, Max, AuthorTeodoro, Luis F. A., AuthorThakar, Aniruddha R., AuthorTremonti, Christy A., AuthorTucker, Douglas L., AuthorUomoto, Alan, AuthorVanden Berk, Daniel E., AuthorVidrih, S., AuthorVogeley, Michael S., AuthorVoges, Wolfgang, AuthorVogt, Nicole P., AuthorWadadekar, Yogesh, AuthorWatters, Shannon, AuthorWeinberg, David H., AuthorWest, Andrew A., AuthorWhite, Simon D. M.1, Author           Wilhite, Brian C., AuthorWonders, Alainna C., AuthorYanny, Brian, AuthorYocum, D. R., AuthorYork, Donald G., AuthorZehavi, Idit, AuthorZibetti, Stefano, AuthorZucker, Daniel B., Author more..
1Cosmology, MPI for Astrophysics, Max Planck Society, ou_159876              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2009-06
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: eDoc: 431821
DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/182/2/543
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
  Alternative Title : The Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 182 (2) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 543 - 558 Identifier: ISSN: 0067-0049