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  Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation

Klinger, T., Andreeva, T., Bozhenkov, S., Brandt, C., Burhenn, R., Buttenschön, B., et al. (2019). Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation. Nuclear Fusion, 59: 112004. doi:10.1088/1741-4326/ab03a7.

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https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ab03a7 (Publisher version)
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Klinger, T.1, Author           
Andreeva, T.1, Author           
Bozhenkov, S.2, Author           
Brandt, C.1, Author           
Burhenn, R.1, Author           
Buttenschön, B.1, Author           
Fuchert, G.2, Author           
Geiger, B.1, Author           
Grulke, O.1, Author           
Laqua, H. P.2, Author           
Pablant, N.2, Author           
Rahbarnia, K.1, Author           
Stange, T.2, Author           
Stechow, A. von1, Author           
Tamura, N.3, Author
Thomsen, H.1, Author           
Turkin, Y.4, Author           
Wegner, T.1, Author           
Abramovic, I.2, Author           
Äkäslompolo, S.2, Author           
Alcuson, J.1, Author           Aleynikov, P.4, Author           Aleynikova, K.4, Author           Ali, A.5, Author           Alonso, A.3, AuthorAnda, G.3, AuthorAscasibar, E.3, AuthorBähner, J. P.1, Author           Baek, S.G.3, AuthorBalden, M.6, Author           Baldzuhn, J.5, Author           Banduch, M.7, Author           Barbui, T.3, AuthorBehr, W.3, AuthorBeidler, C.4, Author           Benndorf, A.8, Author           Biedermann, C.2, Author           Biel, W.3, AuthorBlackwell, B.3, AuthorBlanco, E.3, AuthorBlatzheim, M.5, Author           Ballinger, S.3, AuthorBluhm, T.9, Author           Böckenhoff, D.5, Author           Böswirth, B.6, Author           Boettger, L.-G.1, 3, Author           Borchardt, M.4, Author           Borsuk, V.3, AuthorBoscary, J.10, Author           Bosch, H.-S.9, Author           Beurskens, M.2, Author           Brakel, R.9, Author           Brand, H.3, AuthorBräuer, T.9, Author           Braune, H.2, Author           Brezinsek, S.3, AuthorBrunner, K.-J.2, Author           Bussiahn, R.1, Author           Bykov, V.9, Author           Cai, J.3, AuthorCalvo, I.3, AuthorCannas, B.3, AuthorCappa, A.3, AuthorCarls, A.9, Author           Carralero, D.3, AuthorCarraro, L.3, AuthorCarvalho, B.3, AuthorCastejon, F.3, AuthorCharl, A.3, AuthorChaudhary, N.2, Author           Chauvin, D.3, AuthorChernyshev, F.3, AuthorCianciosa, M.3, AuthorCitarella, R.3, AuthorClaps, G.3, AuthorCoenen, J.3, AuthorCole, M.4, Author           Cole, M. J.3, AuthorCordella, F.3, AuthorCseh, G.3, AuthorCzarnecka, A.3, AuthorCzerski, K.3, AuthorCzerwinski, M.5, Author           Czymek, G.3, AuthorMolin, A. da3, AuthorSilva, A. da3, AuthorDamm, H.2, Author           Pena, A. de la3, AuthorDegenkolbe, S.9, Author           Dhard, C. P.9, Author           Dibon, M.11, Author           Dinklage, A.2, Author           Dittmar, T.3, AuthorDrevlak, M.4, Author           Drewelow, P.5, Author           Drews, P.3, AuthorDurodie, F.3, AuthorEdlund, E.3, AuthorEeten, P. van9, Author           Effenberg, F.3, AuthorEhrke, G.5, Author           Elgeti, S.6, Author           Endler, M.5, Author           Ennis, D.3, AuthorEsteban, H.3, AuthorEstrada, T.3, AuthorFellinger, J.5, Author           Feng, Y.4, Author           Flom, E.3, AuthorFernandes, H.3, AuthorFietz, W.H.3, AuthorFigacz, W.3, AuthorFontdecaba, J.3, AuthorFord, O.2, Author           Fornal, T.3, AuthorFrerichs, H.3, AuthorFreund, A.3, AuthorFunaba, T.3, AuthorGalkowski, A.3, AuthorGantenbein, G.3, AuthorGao, Y.3, AuthorGarcia Regana, J.3, AuthorGates, D.3, AuthorGeiger, J.4, Author           Giannella, V.3, AuthorGogoleva, A.3, AuthorGoncalves, B.3, AuthorGoriaev, A.3, AuthorGradic, D.2, Author           Grahl, M.9, Author           Green, J.3, AuthorGreuner, H.6, Author           Grosman, A.3, AuthorGrote, H.9, Author           Gruca, M.3, AuthorGuerard, C.3, AuthorHacker, P.1, Author           Han, X.3, AuthorHarris, J. H.3, AuthorHartmann, D.2, Author           Hathiramani, D.5, Author           Hein, B.9, Author           Heinemann, B.12, Author           Helander, P.4, Author           Henneberg, S.4, Author           Henkel, M.3, AuthorHernandez Sanchez, J.3, AuthorHidalgo, C.3, AuthorHirsch, M.2, Author           Hollfeld, K. P.3, AuthorHöfel, U.2, Author           Hölting, A.9, Author           Höschen, D.3, AuthorHoury, M.3, AuthorHoward, J.3, AuthorHuang, X.3, AuthorHuang, Z.1, Author           Hubeny, M.3, AuthorHuber, M.3, AuthorHunger, H.3, AuthorIda, K.3, AuthorIlkei, T.3, AuthorIlly, S.3, AuthorIsraeli, B.3, AuthorJablonski, S.3, AuthorJakubowski, M.5, Author           Jelonnek, J.3, AuthorJenzsch, H.5, Author           Jesche, T.3, AuthorJia, M.3, AuthorJunghanns, P.3, AuthorKacmarczyk, J.3, AuthorKallmeyer, J.-P.2, Author           Kamionka, U.9, Author           Kasahara, H.3, AuthorKasparek, W.3, AuthorKazakov, Y. O.3, AuthorKenmochi, N.3, AuthorKiller, C.1, Author           Kirschner, A.3, AuthorKleiber, R.4, Author           Knauer, J.2, Author           Knaup, M.3, AuthorKnieps, A.3, AuthorKobarg, T.3, AuthorKocsis, G.3, AuthorKöchl, F.3, AuthorKolesnichenko, Y.3, AuthorKönies, A.4, Author           König, R.5, Author           Kornejew, P.5, Author           Koschinsky, J.-P.2, Author           Köster, F.3, AuthorKrämer, M.3, AuthorKrampitz, R.8, Author           Krämer-Flecken, A.3, AuthorKrawczyk, N.3, AuthorKremeyer, T.3, AuthorKrom, J.9, Author           Krychowiak, M.5, Author           Ksiazek, I.3, AuthorKubkowska, M.3, AuthorKühner, G.9, Author           Kurki-Suonio, T.3, AuthorKurz, P. A.3, AuthorKwak, S.1, Author           Landreman, M.3, AuthorLang, P.11, Author           Lang, R.3, AuthorLangenberg, A.2, Author           Langish, S.3, AuthorLaqua, H.9, Author           Laube, R.1, Author           Lazerson, S.3, AuthorLechte, C.3, AuthorLennartz, M.3, AuthorLeonhardt, W.3, AuthorLi, C.10, Author           Li, C.3, AuthorLi, Y.3, AuthorLiang, Y.3, AuthorLinsmeier, C.3, AuthorLiu, S.3, AuthorLobsien, J.-F.5, Author           Loesser, D.3, AuthorLoizu Cisquella, J.4, Author           Lore, J.3, AuthorLorenz, A.13, Author           Losert, M.3, AuthorLücke, A.3, AuthorLumsdaine, A.3, AuthorLutsenko, V.3, AuthorMaaßberg, H.4, Author           Marchuk, O.3, AuthorMatthew, J. H.3, AuthorMarsen, S.2, Author           Marushchenko, N.4, Author           Masuzaki, S.3, AuthorMaurer, D.3, AuthorMayer, M.6, Author           McCarthy, K.3, AuthorMcNeely, P.2, Author           Meier, A.3, AuthorMellein, D.3, AuthorMendelevitch, B.10, Author           Mertens, P.3, AuthorMikkelsen, D.3, AuthorMishchenko, A.4, Author           Missal, B.8, Author           Mittelstaedt, J.3, AuthorMizuuchi, T.3, AuthorMollen, A.4, Author           Moncada, V.3, AuthorMönnich, T.9, Author           Morisaki, T.3, AuthorMoseev, D.2, Author           Murakami, S.3, AuthorNafradi, G.3, AuthorNagel, M.9, Author           Naujoks, D.9, Author           Neilson, H.3, AuthorNeu, R.6, Author           Neubauer, O.3, AuthorNeuner, U.1, Author           Ngo, T.3, AuthorNicolai, D.3, AuthorNielsen, S. K.3, AuthorNiemann, H.5, Author           Nishizawa, T.1, Author           Nocentini, R.12, Author           Nührenberg, C.4, Author           Nührenberg, J.4, Author           Obermayer, S.10, Author           Offermanns, G.3, AuthorOgawa, K.3, AuthorÖlmanns, J.3, AuthorOngena, J.3, AuthorOosterbeek, J. W.2, Author           Orozco, G.12, Author           Otte, M.5, Author           Pacios Rodriguez, L.3, AuthorPanadero, N.3, AuthorPanadero Alvarez, N.3, AuthorPapenfuß, D.3, AuthorPaqay, S.3, AuthorPasch, E.2, Author           Pavone, A.2, Author           Pawelec, E.3, AuthorPedersen, T. S.5, Author           Pelka, G.3, AuthorPerseo, V.5, Author           Peterson, B.3, AuthorPilopp, D.5, Author           Pingel, S.9, Author           Pisano, F.3, AuthorPlaum, B.3, AuthorPlunk, G.4, Author           Pölöskei, P.1, Author           Porkolab, M.3, AuthorProll, J.3, AuthorPuiatti, M.-E.3, AuthorPuig Sitjes, A.5, Author           Purps, F.2, Author           Rack, M.3, AuthorRecsei, S.3, AuthorReiman, A.3, AuthorReimold, F.1, Author           Reiter, D.3, AuthorRemppel, F.3, AuthorRenard, S.3, AuthorRiedl, R.12, Author           Riemann, J.4, Author           Risse, K.9, Author           Rohde, V.6, Author           Röhlinger, H.3, AuthorRome, M.3, AuthorRondeshagen, D.5, Author           Rong, P.2, Author           Roth, B.3, AuthorRudischhauser, L.5, Author           Rummel, K.9, Author           Rummel, T.9, Author           Runov, A.4, Author           Rust, N.2, Author           Ryc, L.3, AuthorRyosuke, S.3, AuthorSakamoto, R.3, AuthorSalewski, M.3, AuthorSamartsev, A.3, AuthorSanchez, E.3, AuthorSano, F.3, AuthorSatake, S.3, AuthorSchacht, J.9, Author           Satheeswaran, G.3, AuthorSchauer, F.10, Author           Scherer, T.3, AuthorSchilling, J.1, Author           Schlaich, A.3, AuthorSchlisio, G.5, Author           Schluck, F.3, AuthorSchlüter, K.-H.3, AuthorSchmitt, J.3, AuthorSchmitz, H.3, AuthorSchmitz, O.3, AuthorSchmuck, S.3, AuthorSchneider, M.9, Author           Schneider, W.2, Author           Scholz, P.7, Author           Schrittwieser, R.3, AuthorSchröder, M.8, Author           Schröder, T.1, Author           Schroeder, R.2, Author           Schumacher, H.3, AuthorSchweer, B.3, AuthorScott, E.2, Author           Sereda, S.3, AuthorShanahan, B.4, Author           Sibilia, M.3, AuthorSinha, P.5, Author           Sipliä, S.3, AuthorSlaby, C.4, Author           Sleczka, M.3, AuthorSmith, H.4, Author           Spiess, W.3, AuthorSpong, D. A.3, AuthorSpring, A.9, Author           Stadler, R.10, Author           Stejner, M.3, AuthorStephey, L.3, AuthorStridde, U.9, Author           Suzuki, C.3, AuthorSvensson, J.1, Author           Szabo, V.3, AuthorSzabolics, T.3, AuthorSzepesi, T.3, AuthorSzökefalvi-Nagy, Z.3, AuthorTancetti, A.3, AuthorTerry, J.3, AuthorThomas, J.3, AuthorThumm, M.3, AuthorTravere, J. M.3, AuthorTraverso, P.3, AuthorTretter, J.10, Author           Trimino Mora, H.2, Author           Tsuchiya, H.3, AuthorTsujimura, T.3, AuthorTulipan, S.3, AuthorUnterberg, B.3, AuthorVakulchyk, I.4, Author           Valet, S.9, Author           Vano, L.3, AuthorMilligen, B. van3, AuthorVuuren, A. J. van1, Author           Vela, L.3, AuthorVelasco, J.-L.3, AuthorVergote, M.3, AuthorVervier, M.3, AuthorVianello, N.3, AuthorViebke, H.9, Author           Vilbrandt, R.14, Author           Vorkörper, A.3, AuthorWadle, S.3, AuthorWagner, F.5, Author           Wang, E.3, AuthorWang, N.3, AuthorWang, Z.10, Author           Warmer, F.2, Author           Wauters, T.3, AuthorWegener, L.8, Author           Weggen, J.3, AuthorWei, Y.3, AuthorWeir, G.1, Author           Wendorf, J.7, Author           Wenzel, U.5, Author           Werner, A.9, Author           White, A.3, AuthorWiegel, B.3, AuthorWilde, F.2, Author           Windisch, T.1, Author           Winkler, M.15, Author           Winter, A.9, Author           Winters, V.3, AuthorWolf, S.3, AuthorWolf, R. C.2, 3, Author           Wright, A.3, AuthorWurden, G.3, AuthorXanthopoulos, P.4, Author           Yamada, H.3, AuthorYamada, I.3, AuthorYasuhara, R.3, AuthorYokoyama, M.3, AuthorZanini, M.2, Author           Zarnstorff, M.3, AuthorZeitler, A.3, AuthorZhang, D.1, Author           Zhang, H.3, AuthorZhu, J.9, Author           Zilker, M.11, Author           Zocco, A.4, Author           Zoletnik, S.3, AuthorZuin, M.3, Author more..
1Stellarator Dynamics and Transport (E5), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2040306              
2Stellarator Heating and Optimisation (E3), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2040305              
3External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
4Stellarator Theory (ST), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856287              
5Stellarator Edge and Divertor Physics (E4), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856286              
6Plasma Edge and Wall (E2M), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856327              
7W7-X: Design Engineering (DE), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2344691              
8W7-X: Assembly (AS), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856312              
9W7-X: Operations (OP), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856342              
10Integrated Technic Center (ITZ), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856289              
11Tokamak Scenario Development (E1), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856321              
12ITER Technology & Diagnostics (ITED), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856290              
13W7-X: Project Coordination (PC), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856303              
14Quality Management (QM), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856326              
15Technical Services (TD), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856320              


Free keywords: Konferenzbeitrag
 Abstract: -


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 20182019
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: 11 p.
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1088/1741-4326/ab03a7
 Degree: -



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Project information

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Project name : Euratom Research and Training Programme 2014-2018 and 2019-2020 – EUROfusion
Grant ID : 633053
Funding program : Horizon 2020 (H2020)
Funding organization : European Commission (EC)

Source 1

Title: Nuclear Fusion
  Subtitle : Special Issue of Overviews and Summaries from the 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar, 2018-10-22 to 2018-10-27
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Bristol; Vienna : IOP Publishing; IAEA
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 59 Sequence Number: 112004 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0029-5515
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/991042749627140