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  Ship emissions measurement in the Arctic by plume intercepts of the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Amundsen from the Polar 6 aircraft platform

Aliabadi, A. A., Thomas, J. L., Herber, A. B., Staebler, R. M., Leaitch, W. R., Schulz, H., et al. (2016). Ship emissions measurement in the Arctic by plume intercepts of the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Amundsen from the Polar 6 aircraft platform. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(12), 7899-7916. doi:10.5194/acp-16-7899-2016.

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Aliabadi, Amir A.1, Author
Thomas, Jennie L.1, Author
Herber, Andreas B.1, Author
Staebler, Ralf M.1, Author
Leaitch, W. Richard1, Author
Schulz, Hannes1, Author
Law, Kathy S.1, Author
Marelle, Louis1, Author
Burkart, Julia1, Author
Willis, Megan D.1, Author
Bozem, Heiko1, Author
Hoor, Peter M.1, Author
Köllner, F.2, Author           
Schneider, J.2, Author           
Levasseur, Maurice1, Author
Abbatt, Jonathan P. D.1, Author
1external, ou_persistent22              
2Particle Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Max Planck Society, ou_1826291              


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 Abstract: Decreasing sea ice and increasing marine navigability in northern latitudes have changed Arctic ship traffic patterns in recent years and are predicted to increase annual ship traffic in the Arctic in the future. Development of effective regulations to manage environmental impacts of shipping requires an understanding of ship emissions and atmospheric processing in the Arctic environment. As part of the summer 2014 NETCARE (Network on Climate and Aerosols) campaign, the plume dispersion and gas and particle emission factors of effluents originating from the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Amundsen operating near Resolute Bay, NU, Canada, were investigated. The Amundsen burned distillate fuel with 1.5 wt% sulfur. Emissions were studied via plume intercepts using the Polar 6 aircraft measurements, an analytical plume dispersion model, and using the FLEXPART-WRF Lagrangian particle dispersion model. The first plume intercept by the research aircraft was carried out on 19 July 2014 during the operation of the Amundsen in the open water. The second and third plume intercepts were carried out on 20 and 21 July 2014 when the Amundsen had reached the ice edge and operated under ice-breaking conditions. Typical of Arctic marine navigation, the engine load was low compared to cruising conditions for all of the plume intercepts. The measured species included mixing ratios of CO2, NO x, CO, SO2, particle number concentration (CN), refractory black carbon (rBC), and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The results were compared to similar experimental studies in mid-latitudes. Plume expansion rates () were calculated using the analytical model and found to be D 0.75 0.81, 0.93 0.37, and 1.19 0.39 for plumes 1, 2, and 3, respectively. These rates were smaller than prior studies conducted at mid-latitudes, likely due to polar boundary layer dynamics, including reduced turbulent mixing compared to midlatitudes. All emission factors were in agreement with prior observations at low engine loads in mid-latitudes. Ice-breaking increased the NO x emission factor from EFNO x D 43.1 +/- 15.2 to 71.6 +/- 9.68 and 71.4 +/-+/- 4.14 g kgdiesel 1 for plumes 1, 2, and 3, likely due to changes in combustion temperatures. The CO emission factor was EFCO D 137 +/- 120, 12.5 +/- 3.70 and 8.13 +/- 1.34 g kgdiesel 1 for plumes 1, 2, and 3. The rBC emission factor was EFrBC D 0.202 +/- 0.052 and 0.202 +/-+/- 0.125 g kg-diesel 1 for plumes 1 and 2. The CN emission factor was reduced while ice-breaking from EFCN D 2.41 +/- 0.47 to 0.45 +/- 0.082 and 0.507 +/- 0.037 +/- 1016 kg-diesel 1 for plumes 1, 2, and 3. At 0.6% supersaturation, the CCN emission factor was comparable to observations in mid-latitudes at low engine loads with EFCCN D 3.03 +/- 0.933, 1.39 +/- 0.319, and 0.650 +/- 0.136 +/- 1014 kg-diesel 1 for plumes 1, 2, and 3.


 Dates: 2016
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: ISI: 000379417300027
DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-7899-2016
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany : European Geosciences Union
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 16 (12) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 7899 - 7916 Identifier: ISSN: 1680-7316
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/111030403014016