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  Somatic hypermutation of intrathecal IgM-producing B cells in multiple sclerosis patients

Beltran, E., Obermeier, B., Coret, F., Simo-Castello, M., Bosca, I., Villar, L. M., et al. (2012). Somatic hypermutation of intrathecal IgM-producing B cells in multiple sclerosis patients. JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY, 253(1-2), 2-2.

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Basic (Discarded)

Date of Discard: 2022-03-25
Comment: Dubl
Beltran, Eduardo1
Obermeier, Birgit2           
Coret, Francisco1
Simo-Castello, Maria1
Bosca, Isabel1
Villar, Luisa M.1
Wekerle, Hartmut2           
Hohlfeld, Reinhard1           
Dornmair, Klaus1           
Casanova, Bonaventura1
1external, ou_persistent22              
2Department: Neuroimmunology / Wekerle, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society, ou_1113547              
 Dates: 2012-12-15
Files: 0 Files
Locators: 0 Locators
version ID: item_1674226_2
Item State: Discarded
Name of Context: Import Context of the MPI of Neurobiology, Affiliated to: MPI of Neurobiology