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  Parallel functions of the C, elegans nuclear receptor daf-l2 identify novel heterochronic genes

Fielenbach, N. (2004). Parallel functions of the C, elegans nuclear receptor daf-l2 identify novel heterochronic genes. PhD Thesis, Freie Universität, Berlin.

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Fielenbach, Nicole1, Autor           
1Independent Junior Research Groups (OWL), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Max Planck Society, ou_1433554              


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 Zusammenfassung: Summary The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has six distinct life stages, embryo, four larval stages (L1-L4) and adult that are defined by landmarks such as hatch, ecdysis, as well as associated stage-specific programs. lts development is strongly influenced by the environment: in favorable conditions, C. elegans develops rapidly to adult, whereas in unfavorable conditions the worm can enter an alternative, reversible third larval stage, the dauer diapause. Metazoan development is articulated through positional and temporal patterning at all life stages. ln C. elegans, a regulatory pathway, called the heterochronicircuit, has been identified that controls temporal patterning in diverse tissues. In this study, we focused on the temporal control of development of third and later larval stages. The nuclear hormone receptor daf-l2 functions within this heterochronic pathway regulating L3 options of reproductive growth and dauer diapause. daf-12 null mutants are fully dauer defective, but exhibit only weak heterochronic phenotypes suggesting that overlapping functions could act in concert with daf-l2 to specify developmental age. We screened for !af-12 parallel or redundant functions (dre's) in a genetic screen for enhancement of the daf-12 heterochronic gonadal migration phenotypes. This screen yielded two loci termed dre-1 and dre-2. dre-1 plays a novel role in C. elegans developmental timing of gonadal and extragonadal tissues. In the heterochronic epidermal seam cell circuit, it is part of the late timer regulating the larval to adult switch. In the seam cells, dre-7 promotes L4 fates and prevents precocious expression of adult fates. Hence, absence of dre-1 results in precocious adult development of seam cells. Genetic epistasis analysis revealed that dre-l functions between the microRNA /ef-7 and the transcription factor lin-29, the latest acting gene that promotes adult development. The comparably weak precocious phenotype of dre-l mutants may reflect the activity of other regulators at this step. Indeed, the timing of the larval to adult switch is regulated by at least four genes (lin-41, lin-42, hbl-l and dre-1). We found that dre-1 acts in parallel to lin-41 and lin-42 and may act in parallel or in the same pathway as hbt-l. The gonad undergoes stage-specific migratory events (S1-S4 and SA) that are expressed in strict temporal sequence. However, little is known about the temporal control of gonadal development. We found that developmental timing of the gonad is regulated by certain heterochronic activities as well, but it is organized differently and independently from the seam cell circuit. We identified four heterochronic gene products that function together. in a simple model, DRE-1 together with DAF-12 specifies S3/S4 programs, LIN-29 specifies 54 and the microRNA lin-4 specifies SA programs. We cloned dre-1 and found that it encodes an evolutionary conserved F-box protein. As an F-box protein containing a zinc finger (N-recognin class of zinc fingers of the UBRI protein family), it is likely to be involved in protein degradation. Orthologs are found in Caenorhabditis briggsae, Drosophila melanogasfer, Raffus noruegicus and humans. DRE-1 orthologs are uncharacterized proteins with unknown biological functions. Hence, the physiological role of DRE-1 in temporal control may be evolutionarily conserved. Moreover, genetic data suggest that DRE-1 functions in an SCF (Skp1, Cull and F-box) E3 ligase complex containing SKR-1 (C. elegans Skpl homolog) and CUL-1. Notably, developmental timing is regulated by transcriptional and translational control mechanisms. Therefore, the finding that dre-1 encodes an F-box seemingly involved in protein degradation adds a new dimension to the regulation of temporal development. Remarkably, dre-1 also affects a different developmental timer, the molt cycle, which is a measure of elapsed stages or chronological age. lt could affect both heterochronic and molt circuits independently or act at the intersection of the two timers. dre-l null mutants develop to the three-fold stage of embryogenesis, but are unable to hatch, and partial reduction of dre-1 results in molting defects at all larval molts. Thus, DRE-1 function may be required for hatching and molting, and suggests that key regulators of these processes may be targets of DRE-1 mediated degradation. dre-1 was expressed prominently in the nucleus and reduced in the cytoplasm. lt was expressed in phenotypically affected tissues such as epidermal seam cells and gonadal Distal Tip Cells that lead gonadal outgrowth, suggesting it could act cell autonomously. Expression was also seen in the nervous system, excretory cells, body and pharyngeal muscle, and vulva, as well as other tissues. Since daf-12 mutants affect C. elegans longevity, we asked whether dre-7 influences life span as well. We found thatdre-1 influences life span in a manner similar to daf-12, but to a lesser extent. The dre screen yielded a second gene, dre-2 that is represented by a single allele. dre-2 may play a role in C. elegans developmental timing as well. On its own it exhibited a modestly penetrant and strong delay in gonad migration, but no seam cell phenotypes. However, it enhanced the retarded epidermal and gonadal phenotypes of lhe daf-12 null mutant and strongly suppressed lin-42 precocious adult alae phenotypes. Hence, dre-2may represent a new heterochronic gene with auxillary functions. Alternatively, dre-2 could simply delay development non-specifically. A future challenge will be to clarify whether dre-2 represents a true heterochronic gene.


Sprache(n): eng - English
 Datum: 2004
 Publikationsstatus: Angenommen
 Seiten: 160 pp
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: Berlin : Freie Universität
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1. Summary 1
1. Zusammenfassung 3
2. lntroduction 6
2.1. Lite cycles and life stages 6
2.2. Heterochrony 7
2.2.1. Examples of heterochrony 7
2.3. The model organism C. e1e9ans 9
2.4. C. elegans life cycle 9
2.4.1. Embryonic development 10
2.4.2. Post-embryonic development 10
2.5. C. elegans stage-specific programs, an overview 11
2.5.1. Seam cellprograms 11
2.5.2. Gonad migration programs 13
2.6. Chronological age versus developmental age 13
2.6.1. Chronological age 13
2.6.2. Developmental age 14
2.7.The heterochronic loci control developmental timing in C, e/e9ans 15
2.7.1. The early timing circuit 16 lin-14 specifies 51 to 53 programs 16 regulates the S2lS3 transition 18 lin-4translationally represses lin-14and lin-28 19 lin-46 20 The nuclear hormone receptor daf-12 acts at the convergence of dauer and heterochronic pathways 21
2.7.2. The late timing circuit 23 lin-42, a circadian rhythm component acts at several stages in development 24 lin-41 specifies 54 fates by inhibiting LIN-29 and is regulated by let-7 25 hbl-l acts at multiple times during C. elegans development and is regulated by microRNAs 26 let-7 regulates the transition from larval to adult stage 28 lin-29 controls the switch from larval to adult deve1opment 30 Parallel functions in the late timer 31
2.7.3. The heterochronic epidermal pathway model 32 The early timer 33 Connection of the early to the late timer 34 The late timer 34
2.7.4. Conservation of heterochronic genes 34
2.8. Cell autonomous versus cell non-autonomous regulation of developmental a9e 35
2.9. Regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of developmental timing 35
2.9.1. Transcriptional control 36
2.9.2. Translational control 36
2.9.3. MicroRNAs and non-coding RNAs 36
2.10. Thesis question 38
3. Material and Methods 40
3.1. Genetics 40
3.1.1. Nematode Culture Conditions 40
3.1.2. Microscopy 40
3.1.3. Mutant lsolation - EMS mutagenesis 40
3.1.4. Outcrossing of isolated mutants 41
3.1.5. Allele specificity test 41
3.1.6. Strain constructions 41 Construction of dre-1 and dre-2single mutants 41 Double mutants constructed for epistasis
analysis 41
3.1.7. Staging of nematodes 45
3.1.8. Molting experiments 46
3.2. Mapping dre-l and dre-2 46
3.2.1. SNP mapping 46
3.2.2. Three factor mapping 48
3.2.3. Deletion mapping 48
3.2.4. SNP mapping with single recombinants 49
3.2.5. Microinjections 49
3.3. Molecular biology 50
3.3.1. Sequencing of candidate genes 50
3.3.2. f solation of genomic DNA of C. elegans 50
3.3.3. lsolation of cosmid DNA 50
3.3.4. Primer 51
3.3.5. Cloning 51
3.3.6. dre-1 cDNA clones 53 Phage stock preparation 53 Excision of Phagemids of Lambda Zap-II-phages 54
3.3.7. dre-1::gfp constructs 54
3.3.8. Preparation of C. elegans mixed stage RNA and cDNA 55
3.3.9. Deletion of dre-1 55
3.4. Database analyses 57
3.5. miRNA search 57
3.6. Search for daf-12 binding sites 57
3.7. RNAi 57
3.8. Life span assays 58
4. Results 59
Part l- dre-l 59
4.1. Screen for daf-12 redundant functions 59
4.2. dre-l influences gonadal heterochrony 60
4.3. dre-l is an allele non-specific Mig enhancer of
daf-I2 61
4.4. dre-l regulates the larval to adult switch in seam cells 61
4.5. Phenotypic classes 64
4.6. dre-1 encodes an evolutionary conserved F-box
protein 64
4.6.1. Mapping dre-1 64
4.6.2. dre-1 structure 65
4.6.3. dre-1 encodes an evolutionary conserved F-box
protein 65
4.6.4. DRE-1 orthologs 66
4.7. dre-l molecular lesions 69
4.8. dre-l loss-of-function versus gain-of-function mutations 70
4.9. The dre-l 3'UTR lacks let-7 and lin-4 binding sites 70
4.10. The heterochronic gonadal circuit 71
4.11. Heterochronic seam cell circuit 75
4.11.1. dre-1 acts upstream of lin-29 75
4.11.2. dre-1 acts in parallel to lin-41 and lin-42 77
4.12. dre-l affects molting 79
4.13. dre-l deletion results in embryonic lethality 81
4.14. Expression pattern 82
4.15. dre-1::gfp partially rescues the dre-l deletion 83
4.16. Aging experiments 83
4.17. DRE-1 complex 84
4.18. dre-2 is delayed in gonad migration 88
4.19. Seam cell heterochrony - dre-2 may be a delayed
mutant 89
4.20. dre-2 exhibits pleiotropic defects 90
4.21. Mapping dre-2 90
5. Discussion 91
Partl-dre-l 91
5.1. dre-l is a novel player in C. elegans developmental 1imin9 91
5.2. F-box proteins function in the ubiquitin system 91
5.2.1. F-box proteins are involved in diverse biological processes 93
5.2.2. Regulation of F-box protein and DRE-1 95
5.2.3. The role of F-box protein in other biochemical contexts 95
5.2.4. DRE-1 may be a component of a SCF complex 96
5.2.5. DRE-1 may interact with a BTB domain containing protein 96
5.2.6. Functional analysis of the C. elegans ubiquitin system 97
5.3. DRE-1 ortho1o9s 97
5.4. dre-l functions in developmental timing in
C. elegans 98
5.4.1. dre-1 promotes 54 programs in the epidermis 98
5.4.2. dre-1 acts upstream of lin-29 98
5.4.3. dre-1 acts downstream of let-7 99
5.4.4. dre-1 acts in parallel to lin-41 and lin-42 100
5.4.5. lin-4 may be epistatic to dre-1 101
5.4.6. Model of epidermal heterochronic pathway 102
5.4.7. dre-l promotes gonadal age 105
5.5. dre-I affects chronological age 107
5.6. DRE-1 mayfunction in diverse pathways 108
5.7. Future prospects 109
Part II - dre-2 111
5.8. The dre-2locus 11l
5.9. dre-2 may be involved in C. elegans developmental timin9 111
5.9.1. dre-2 may promote gonadal age 111
5.9.2. dre-2 may function in temporal epidermal
development 111
5.10. DRE-2may function in diverse pathways 112
5.11. Future prospects 112
6. References 114
Appendices 133
Table A1. Mutant strains isolated in this work 133
Table A2. Strains obtained by injection 133
Table A3. Strains made in this work by crosses 134
Table A4. Strains used in this work 136
Table A5. RNAi strains used of Ahringer 1ibrary 137
Table A6. Primer for SNP chromosome mapping 138
Table A7. Primerfor SNP fine mappin9 139
Table A8. SNP primer (all) 141
Table A9. Primer for sequencing 149
Table A10. Primerfor cloning 156
Acknowledgements 159
Danksagung 159
Curriculum Vitae 160
 Art der Begutachtung: -
 Identifikatoren: eDoc: 226566
 Art des Abschluß: Doktorarbeit







